Refund Advisors – The Worldwide Leader In Settlement Recovery
Refund Advisors is the leading recovery specialist with over two decades of experience in anti-trust litigation settlement recovery. Our goal is to be the missing link at a vital stage of the recovery process: the settlement. We liaise between the claimant and the claims administrator in order to carry-out our dual mandate, which is to provide notification to class members and maximize their claim refund. Our firm is comprised of the most experienced and successful settlement recovery specialists in the industry, whose backgrounds include careers in law and accounting. Our expertise has led to the recovery of over $300 million in damages to date with our clients ranging from Fortune 500 Companies to single location entities. We are dedicated to locating eligible class members for antitrust settlements occurring in the United States and throughout the World. We continue to develop long lasting successful business relationships and will remain a beacon of light for many satisfied clients.